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News on Deneb

Business R&D support aid program – Hazitek Competitivo

The Department of Economic Development, Sustainability, and the Environment of the Basque Government has awarded the grant "HAZITEK - Competitive R&D Projects" to Deneb Medical for the project "PLAROGIA - Autonomous surgical ...

EUROSPINE Annual Meeting 2023

Deneb Medical attended the annual EUROSPINE congress that took place in Frankfurt, where we had the opportunity to meet with industry players and KOLs in spine surgery and get to know the latest updates in spine procedures and equipment for spi...

SFCR Congress - Amiens

Deneb Medical participated from June 15th to 17th in the SFCR 2023 Congress, representing the spine surgical community in France, both neurosurgical and orthopaedic, which took place in Amiens - France. We had the opportunity to meet with top-n...

Congress of the Spanish Spine Society (GEER)

Deneb Medical assisted to the 37th edition of the National Congress of the Spanish Spine Society (GEER) that took place from May 31st to June 2nd in Valencia. Deneb had the opportunity to know the latest results in the application of robotics i...

New investment before the end of 2022

On December 2022, Deneb Medical raised +2.5M€ from private investors and the Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation. This new capital injection will enable the Company to keep moving IZAR's development and clinical validation.

Aid program to support business R&D – Hazitek

The Department of economic development, sustainability and environment of the Basque Government has awarded with the "HAZITEK - R&D projects in strategic sectors" grant Deneb Medical for the project "New products and resilien...

Deneb Medical successfully completed its X-BONECUT project financed by the European Commission

After two years where the COVID pandemic has heavily impacted the performance of some tasks, Deneb Medical has successfully completed till April 2022 its Project “X-Bonecut Next generation robotic surgery: robotic vision based safe endosc...


Deneb Medical has applied for the CDTI PID Cervera grant with the project called "NEW ADVANCED ROBOTIC PLATFORM FOR SPINE SURGERIES". This was approved by the Board of Directors of the Centre for the Development of Industrial Tec...

New capital investment

Deneb Medical has obtained a capital investment of €250,000 from CDTI Innvierte.

Deneb at the MEDICA fair

Deneb Medical has shown its new robotic platform for spine surgery from the 15th to the 19th of December at the MEDICA fair in Düsseldorf. It is a leading fair for the global medical sector. Its high level of international influence and it...

Deneb receives the support of the European Commission through its H2020-SME Instrument Phase II grant program

The Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises of the European Commission (EASME) has granted Deneb the Phase II of the SME Instrument of the H2020 Program. EASME has especially valued the impact and market potential of D...

Deneb signs a public loan agreement

Deneb signed a public loan agreement with CDTI (www.cdti.es). CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial) is a Spanish public entity that financially supports technology based...

Deneb closes an equity investment round

Today Deneb closed an investment round with ORZA GESTIÓN Y TENENCIA DE PATRIMONIOS (www.orza.info). ORZA is a European VC with broad investment ex...

Deneb Medical selected for the MedTech Innovator Accelerator program

Deneb Medical has been selected among 700 participants all over the world to participate in the 2018 Medtech Innovator Accelerator program. 25 early-stage companies will participate in MedTech Innovator’s award-winning four-month Accelera...

Deneb finalist in the MedTech Innovator Summit in Dublin

Deneb Medical was among the finalists in the medtech startup competition held in the MedTech Strategist Summit in Dublin on the 17th and 18th April. This was a fantastic opportunity for Deneb to present its project to industry experts and marke...

Deneb signs Grant Agreement with the European Commission within the SME Instrument

Deneb Medical’s project has been supported by the European Commission through its SME Instrument program. This is a great opportunity for Deneb to further develop its business plan and product with the support from industry experts and wi...

Deneb gets financing from the Gipuzkoa Biosciences Foundation

Deneb Medical has secured financing from the Gipuzkoa Biosciences Foundation to further develop its business plan. This grant supports Deneb Medical’s activities during 2018 and contributes to the financial stability of Deneb’s busi...

Deneb performs its first InVivo craniotomy on a pig with its CoBot

Deneb Medical performed on the 9th June the first InVivo craniotomy on a 2-month-old pig with its BoneCut CoBot. The surgical result was positive. Therefore Deneb will focus its activities during the upcoming months on making the prototype safe...

Deneb awarded with the StartUp Gipuzkoa grant programme from the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council

Deneb Medical was awarded with financing from the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council to develop its business plan. This grant supports Deneb Medical’s activities during 2017 and will enable Deneb develop the first prototype of its CoBot devoted ...